Portfolio Projects


A platform for students and teachers to interact digitally online. Teachers assign homework through the app or by posting electronic documents, either hosted locally or pulled down from google drive. Teachers can track and grade assignments, and maintain a classroom grade book for each student. Students and Teachers can also live-chat in the app.

Stack: Rails and postgreSQL on the back-end, with Angular on the front-end.


A way for users to identify, map, and vote on issues not in compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). The goal is to prioritize local ADA issues, and create a public forum about those issues. Prioritizing is currently the number one hurdle to ADA accessibility, requiring large amounts of staff and volunteer hours. ADA Map empowers users to choose what civic improvements should be made first.

Stack: Express and MongoDB on the back-end, and jQuery on the front-end.


A four day project designed to be a group management tool built around to-do lists. Users are able to send email and text message reminder notifications, either right away or scheduled to be sent at a later time/date. Users can upload photos, manage multiple groups, and groups can manage multiple lists.

Stack: Rails and postgreSQL on the back-end, and jQuery on the front-end.